Learn a bit about who we are and how we work:
I launched big think in 2000 to create an agency that puts thinking at the centre of its practice and the client relationship ahead of all else. We’re not looking to be the biggest; we are focused on being the best.
I love what I do. My evolution from a strict communication space into business strategy and organization development has resulted in an infusion of theory, best practice and hands-on experience from multiple disciplines. Breaking apart complex issues and finding answers; bringing diverse positions together toward sustainable outcomes; and developing clear visions, strategies, process and strong, productive teams is what i love to do.
Everything you read about big think is reflective of who I am, of what I bring to the table and how I work.
I hold a BA in English and Sociology and a graduate certificate in Public Relations.
Whether I’m communicating with words or images, I strive to deliver context and clarity in my work with big think.
My 13 years as an award-winning journalist taught me how to synthesize complex ideas, to identify the crux of an issue and to contextualize information to provide understanding. I use design in much the same way, thoughtfully blending aesthetics with the right imagery to enhance clarity and delivery of the message.
I’ve enjoyed stretching my brain and building relationships with big think since 2001.
I hold a two-year journalism diploma from Langara College and completed two years of general college studies.
My eye naturally gravitates to detail. Within a big picture scenario I like to see connections, relationships and how an organization intuitively functions. Every situation is different, even if appearances suggest otherwise. It is in those nuances that challenges are met and won.
Critical analysis and fresh thinking, corporate culture, and social dynamics are just a few of the pieces to the puzzle that launch a “big think.” I have delivered assignments ranging from content-driven development at one end of the spectrum to in-depth critical analysis at the other. Regardless of the scope and depth of a project, I love to ruminate and write and I approach each project with the same enthusiasm.
I have been thinking big with big think since 2009.
I hold an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communications.
From research and document management to project planning and delivery I keep the big think team organized and efficient. I make it all happen behind the scenes. I am committed to getting it done, and getting it done right.
I put data and research into “action” to create a comprehensive picture of a project/issue, to put a spotlight on gaps/opportunities and to help define the path forward. My attention to detail and strong organizational skills takes the pressure off the big think team so they can focus and deliver.
My six years with big think has allowed me to analyze the landscape from a broad perspective, crystallize the big picture and prioritize requirements.
I hold a BA in Political Science.